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Sumner County Schools

Staff Wellness
Sumner County Board of Education employees are charged with educating and caring for one of our most precious assets – our students. Therefore, it is imperative that school employees are supported in their efforts to stay healthy and active, so they can do their job most effectively and lead by example. Wellness opportunities such as health assessments, health education and physical fitness activities are provided to all school staff, including the administrators, teachers and support personnel, to improve their health status. These opportunities encourage staff to pursue a healthy lifestyle that contributes to their improved health status, improved morale, and greater personal commitment to the overall coordinated school health program. This personal commitment often transfers into greater commitment to the health of students and serving as positive role models. Health promotion activities conducted on-site improve productivity, decrease absenteeism, and reduce health insurance costs. Qualified professionals such as principals, supervisors, health educators, school health nurses provide leadership in this area.

Healthy School Teams - Staff Wellness
Every school in Sumner County has a Healthy School Team Staff Wellness Plan. We believe that healthy students start with a healthy staff. For more information go to Healthy School Teams.

Sumner County Schools - Staff Wellness/Benefits Department
- SCS Health and Wellness Coordinator: Earl Bushong This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Staff Wellness Discounts Available

 Additional Resources

Prevent Neck Pain and Eye Strain

Importance of Stretching

-Healthy School, Healthy Staff, Healthy Students: A Guide to Improving School Employee Wellness

 -Finding Balance Stress Managment Toolkit

-Stress Management Techniques

-Work/Life Balance

-Mindfulness Resources

Ideas for Staff Wellness include:
1. After school aerobics, yoga, dance classes, fit clubs, etc
2. Staff Fitness Challenges (Weight loss challenge, walking challenge, 30 Day Water Challenge included in the ReThink Your Drink Toolkit, etc)
3. Walk Teams
4. Educational activities for school staff members on healthy lifestyle behaviors, eating, physical activity, and injury prevention.
5. Work with administration and vendors to provide more nutritional options in staff vending machines.
6. Establishment of peer support groups for weight management, stress management, tobacco-use cessation, family guidance, and other identified issues.
7. Time during the school day, such as “release time,” during which teachers and other staff members can participate in health-promoting activities.



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