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Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools

Title I Program

The goal of Title I is to ensure a high-quality education for every child. The program provides extra academic assistance to students who need it most. Sumner County's Title I teachers and paraprofessionals meet the state’s rigorous standards for licensure and qualification. A school is qualified as a Title I School based on the percentage of students enrolled at the school who receive free or reduced lunches and schools considered highest at-risk.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) authorizes a Title I school to develop a school-wide program when the free and reduced lunch percentage reaches 40%. A school-wide program allows the school to consolidate federal funds to strengthen the core academic program. An eligible school must first develop a plan that describes how the school will implement the required components and describe how the school will use its resources.

Parent Right to Know

The EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS EDUCATION ACT (ESSA Title I, Part A, §1111(h)(6)(A) and (h)(6)(B)(ii)), has strong provisions that support parents’ right-to-know.

Title I of ESSA requires local educational agencies to notify parents of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of the student’s classroom teacher and any paraprofessional providing support to the child.

This notice is hereby given to comply with the ESSA Act. If any parent has a question regarding the above, they may contact the SCS federal programs team.

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.