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Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools

SCS Special Ed Learning Opportunities and Resources


The Special Education Department of the Sumner County Schools is committed to ensure all students with a disability will have access to the knowledge, skills, and values needed to live productive lives.  We provide comprehensive services to help meet the academic, social, behavioral, adaptive, and physical needs of the whole child.  Individualized instruction and student achievement are valued in our system and is evident through the services that are available.  Individual Education Program (IEP) teams at each school consider services based on the unique needs of the student.

Special Education services are available in all schools in Sumner County, including Union STEM Elementary School and Merrol Hyde Magnet School, for children meeting the enrollment criteria. The Sumner County School System does not discriminate against students with disabilities.




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The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.