Our Transportation Department maintains and operates over 220 buses that travel over 13,000 miles a day and over 2.4 million miles a year covering 771 routes per day. Approximately 60% of Sumner County Schools’ students ride the bus at some time.
The Transportation Department also provides the School Board information and assistance with school zones and boundaries.
Click on logo above find out what school your child should attend and what bus he/she should ride. If you need more information, please call Pupil Transportation at |
Sumner County Schools Transportation Department
Larry Riggsbee Support Services Facility
1500 Airport Road
Gallatin, TN 37066
The Bus Stop
- Tips
- Arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior to bus arrival.
- Wait at least 10 feet from the roadway if possible.
- There should be no horseplay, running, or pushing at the bus stop.
- Look for and remove any strings or other hanging items from jackets or backpacks, as they could be caught in the bus door.
- Neverattempt to pick up anything dropped near the wheels, under the bus, or in front of the bus. Tell the driver, and they will help you. You don’t want the driver to lose sight of you in the danger zone. Have everything you carry in a backpack or bag, so you will not drop things along the way.
Loading and Unloading
- The Danger Zone
- The danger zone is the 10-foot area on all sides of the bus where children are in the most danger of being hit, either by another vehicle or their own bus. When explaining this to younger children, you may want to say “five big steps” instead of “10 feet” to help them understand the danger zone area. Make sure your driver can see you at all times. Remember: “I see the driver, the driver sees me.”
- Tips
- Follow the procedure your driver has taught you. Wait for your driver’s signal, and look both directions to ensure all traffic has come to a complete stop before you enter the roadway. Students should not be looking at phones or listening to music but should be ready to place their full attention on loading safely. Walk 10 steps in front of the bus (away from the front bumper) before turning to cross the road: Never cross between or behind buses.
- If you are late, never run after the bus to try to catch it or get the driver to stop. This puts you in the danger zone with the bus moving.
- If the driver honks the horn, it’s to alert you of danger. Stop and look for danger. Then, look to the driver for further directions.

Riding the Bus
- Be Respectful
- Greet each other.
- Follow adult directions.
- Keep hands, feet and thighs to self.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Use an Appropriate Voice
- Quiet conversation voice.
- Kind words.
- School-appropriate language.
- No talking at railroad track stops.
- Stay Safe
- Find your seat quickly, and stay seated while the bus is moving.
- Sit safely (i.e., seat on the seat, back on the back, feet on or toward the floor.
- Keep the aisle clear.
- Keep everything – including hands, head, and trash – inside the bus (not out the windows).
- Tips
- Use the information in this handout to train your child to safely ride the bus. Younger children may need you or another responsible person to monitor them until they are mature enough to handle the responsibility of waiting at the bus stop and loading and unloading safely. Children will need re-teaching and reminding.It may save their life.
- Behaviorproblems can distract the driver and thus cause unsafe, distracted driving. The driver may be the only adult on the bus, and it’s important they are able to concentrate on driving for the safety of all students.
- For the safety of all students and per Tennesseestate law, drivers are trained to ensure that no unauthorized persons enter the school bus. If you have a non-emergency concern, call the transportation supervisoror school, rather than trying to discuss it with the driver at the bus stop.
- If you have a comment or concern about any school bus in Tennessee, use the phone number on the rear bumper to alert the supervisor. If it’s an emergency situation, dial 9-1-1.