Sumner County school's logo

Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools

Coordinated School Health Logo LARGE.jpg

Coordinated School Health (CSH) connects physical, emotional, and social health with education through eight inter-related components. This coordinated approach improves students' health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities and schools working together. Coordinated School Health works with many partners to address school health priorities. Simply put, healthy students are better learners. 

CSH Components:
Health ServicesEducationNutrition
Physical Education
Healthy School Environment
School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services
Student, Family, and Community Involvement
School Staff Wellness 

What We Are Doing In The Fight Against Childhood Obesity

From installing walking tracks in every elementary school to installing refillable water bottle stations in every Sumner County Schools facility, Coordinated School Health is doing what we can to combat the rise of childhood obesity in Sumner County. In 2017, CSH launched the ReThink Your Drink Campaign to educate Sumner County students, staff, and parents of the harmful effects of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages and to encourage healthier beverage options. Sugar sweetened beverages are one of the number one factors leading to the drastic increase in childhood obesity. 

Coordinated School Health provided Healthy School Teams with a ReThink Your Drink Toolkit which included:
1. Nutrition related posters to put up at each school, particularly at water fountains and the cafeteria
2. Lessons and handouts on the dangers of sugary drink consumption and the benefits of drinking water
3. A Hidden Sugars demonstration for students and staff
4. ReThink Your Drink PowerPoint to accompany the Hidden Sugars demonstration
5. Free water bottles for every student and staff member at each school

Sumner County BMI Data
After 4 years of steadily increasing obesity and overweight/obesity rates in Sumner County, Coordinated School Health is happy to announce a significant decrease in both the obesity and overweight/obesity rates for 2017-2018. While it's important to celebrate the change in trajectory, we still have a long way to go in Sumner County. 


2018--2019 Overweight or Obese: 36.10%

2018-2019 Obese: 19.60%

2017-2018 Overweight or Obese: 36.16%
2017-2018 Obese: 19.53%

2016-2017 Overweight or Obese: 38.5%
2016-2017 Obese: 20.29%

2015-2016 Overweight or Obese: 37.05%
2015-2016 Obese: 19.72%

2014-2015 Overweight or Obese: 36%
2014-2015 Obese: 18.88%

2013-2014 Overweight or Obese: 34.32%
2013-2014 Obese: 18.02%


In 2016, Coordinated School Health (CSH) secured a Project Diabetes grant from the Tennessee Department of Health. The goal of Project Diabetes is to decrease the prevalence of overweight/obesity across the State and, in turn, prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 diabetes and/or the consequences of this devastating disease. CSH chose to focus on decreasing consumption of sugary drinks and increasing access to physical activity opportunities.

bottle examplewater station

Decreasing Consumption of Sugary Drinks
- Every school in the county received refillable water bottle stations
- Every student and staff member in Sumner County Schools also received a free water bottle through a partnership with the Sumner County Highway Department and a grant from TDOT’s Litter Prevention campaign. 
- Each school's Healthy School Team was provided ReThink Your Drink resources (RTYD posters, RTYD Toolkit with Hidden Sugars Lesson, RTYD Powerpoint Presentation) to promote water as an alternative to sugary drinks

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Increasing Access to Physical Activity
- Walking tracks for every elementary school
- Mini-grants for Walk Across Sumner 
- Professional development opportunities for PE teachers



School Walking Tracks
Sumner County Coordinated School Health installed walking tracks in elementary schools with additional funding from the Tennessee Department of Health's Project Diabetes grant.


Wellness Policy
Sumner County Schools recently adopted a revised Wellness Policy which covers: health education, health services, nutrition, physical education and physical activity, healthy school environment, and staff wellness. 



The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.