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Sumner County Schools



Sumner County Early Learning Department

pre k

Sumner County Schools Early Learning Preschool:

Sumner County Schools preschool program is a developmental program that is geared toward teaching developmental skills to both children that are typically developing and children who are delayed in these skills. Through partnerships with families and the community, Sumner County Schools preschool program will create safe, compassionate, and collaborative learning environments that support growth, nurture independence, and foster a sense of belonging for ALL students. Our program is located in 14 elementary schools across Sumner County. 

Sumner County Pre-K classrooms are funded in a number of different ways, including using local and state funding. Each fund source has different requirements, like serving families based on income within Sumner County, or charging a fee. Some of our pre-k seats require a weekly fee of $150.00. We do offer tuition support for a limited number of families and classified employees of Sumner County Schools who do not quite meet the income requirements to qualify for the tuition free seats. Families that pay weekly tuition are offered extended care options before and after school and we have a limited number of extended care options available for families that meet the income requirements for the tuition free seats. 

Program hours vary by school start times, but all classrooms offer a 6 hour instructional day. Families are responsible for providing transportation to and from the program. 

The application process is different for pre-k from K-12 enrollment. There are eligibility requirements that must be considered, including age, immunizations, and a separate application is required. Pre-k students must be 4 years old on or before August 15th of the school year they are applying for to be considered. We do not accept three year olds as part of our regular education pre-kindergarten program or children who will be age-eligbile for kindergarten, meaning they turn 5 on or before August 15th of the school year being considered.

If families have concerns or questions about their pre-k child's development, they can contact our office at 615-451-6352. We encourage all families to visit our Developmental Pre-K page to learn more.  

If you think your child between birth and 36 months (age 0 to 3 years) may have a disability and needs an evaluation, please call Tennessee's Early Intervention System (TEIS) at 1-800-852-7157 to make a referral. TEIS will help families locate services for infants and toddlers with disabilities before the child reaches school age.

Sumner County Schools wants all age eligible students to apply for Pre-K. If your child meets the age requirements, please apply for a Pre-K seat. Pre-K is the best place for your child to grow and develop the skills needed for kindergarten.

If you have questions, you can call our office at 615-451-6352 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


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  • Click on the link above for the form.
  • Right Click anywhere on the form and several options will appear. 
  • Click on “Translate” or “Translate to.” Another box will appear in the upper right corner.
  • If the language you want to translate to does not appear,  click on the three vertical dots and select “Choose another language.” 
  • Click on the drop-down menu, choose the desired language and click the “translate” button.

What's next after applying?

We ask that families please refrain from contacting our office regarding updates to the application or lottery status. We cannot respond to individual update requests. We will send communication to all families throughout the process to keep everyone updated and informed. You will get a confirmation email as soon as you submit the form with a copy of your response, that is the only confirmation you will receive from us, prior to us communicating about lottery results. Again, please refrain from calling or emailing about status updates,  as it slows the process down for all applicants. While the application is open, we are still running and supporting 30 classrooms across 14 schools. We anticipate communicating lottery results with families on March 31, 2025, however, that is subject to change. 

How are classes determined?

Since our program focuses on having a blended model in each classroom of students with and without disabilites, we form class rosters based on what the needs of the projected classes will be. This means that our spots are not filled on a first come, first serve basis. We use a multi-faceted approach to determine our class lists. Children who are not offered a spot during the initial placement offering, will be placed on a waitlist and contacted should any spots open up throughout the year. 

If you have general questions about the application process, or our program you can email our department at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or call our office at 615-451-6352. 



All registration will be handled through our department and/or the school  (dependent on time of year) once you have been offered a spot. Do not complete Skyward registration or visit/contact the school regarding registration until our department has offered you a seat, they will redirect you to our department to follow the proper steps. Once you have been offered a seat you can refer to the district enrollment page for more information on that process. Schools are given a list of students who have been offered a spot, if you are not on that list you will not be permitted to register.


Preschool Students with Unique Learning Needs:

We also provide a continuum of special education services to preschool students ages 3-5, not yet in kindergarten, who have been identified as having a disability that impacts their ability to learn. Our special education preschool teachers work with children  who have a variety of needs including significant developmental delays and/or disabilities. These children have been assessed and placed by an Individualized Education Plan team. If you have concerns regarding your child's development please complete our Parent Referral & Developmental History Form. Once Completed our office will contact you with additional information and to schedule an evaluation if needed.

Contact the Preschool Assessment Team if you have concerns with your child's development.

  • CDC Developmental Milestones - CDC’s developmental milestone checklists are communication tools intended to encourage ongoing conversations between families and professionals. The checklists also help identify the need for additional screening (between universal screening ages, as needed) when there is a potential developmental concern. Milestones are just one part of these communication tools. The milestone checklists also include

      • Open-ended questions to address concerns that milestones alone may not capture,

      • Reminders for developmental screening,

      • Information about how to connect with early intervention, and

      • Tips to help caregivers promote child development. 

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.