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Sumner County Schools

SCS Pre-kindergarten Location Information 

Current Locations

Beech Elementary

Benny Bills Elementary

George Whitten Elementary

Guild Elementary

HB Williams Elementary

Howard Elementary

J.W. Wiseman Elementary

Lakeside Park Elementary

Millersville Elementary

Nannie Berry Elementary

Portland Gateview Elementary

Station Camp Elementary

Vena Stuart Elementary

Westmoreland Elementary

I thought my zoned school had a Pre-K, but it is not one of the four listed under the pre-k locations.

In Sumner County, Pre-K is not based on school of zone.  We have 14 schools across the county that have pre-k classes for a toal of 27 classrooms. We try to place students at their school of zone if they have a pre-k class, and if not, then at the closest to their school of zone. 

Does my child have to be zoned for the school to which we apply?

No, in fact, if you live in Sumner County, you can apply for any of the Pre-K programs. Some families prefer to send their child to the one closest to their home while others prefer to send their child to the one closest to the parent’s work. At the time of registration, families will be asked to provide 2 proofs of residence within Sumner County.

What are the hours and days of the Pre-K class?

Our Pre-K classes meet Monday through Friday for 6 hours. SCS Pre-K classes follow the Sumner County Schools calendar and school start times, unless otherwise specified. Attendance is required for all five days each week, and families must agree to the Pre-K attendance policy before enrolling. Chronic absences and/or tardies/early pick-ups can be grounds from dismissal from our program.

If you have questions about Sumner County Schools Pre-K, please call 615-451-6352.

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