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Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools

Developing Gifted Potential into Performance


Sumner County Schools is committed to providing opportunities to nurture, challenge, and develop potential of gifted learners.  We recognize that intellectually gifted students have unique needs which warrant differentiated curriculum and programming.  Gifted children differ from others in learning ability; they learn faster, have wider interests, have greater capacity to learn material, and think with greater depth about what they learn.  A continuum of services is designed to enhance critical, conceptual, and abstract thinking, problem-solving, and creativity within content areas.



Our mission is to guide gifted learners to realize and utilize their potential.



Our vision is to meet the needs of gifted learners, all day, every day.



Opportunities for gifted learners are provided in accordance with their intellectual abilities and academic aptitudes as determined by the IEP team for each individual student.


Program Goals

• To develop critical, conceptual, and abstract thinking within content areas

• To develop creative problem-solving within content areas

• To promote positive affective development



Please contact your child’s Gifted Itinerant Teacher for more information.


Additional Resources

Karah Lewis, Consulting Teacher for Gifted Education

Kayren Craighead, Special Education Coordinator

Pupil Services, Sumner County Schools

695 E. Main Street Gallatin, Tennessee 37066

(615) 451-5414

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.