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Sumner County Schools

DisabilitiesSchool-Age (5-21) currently enrolled in SCS

If you suspect your school-age child currently enrolled in Sumner County Schools may have a disability and needs an evaluation, please contact your child's teacher or the School Psychologist at your child's school.


School-Age (5-21) currently enrolled in a Private or Home School

If you suspect your school-age child currently enrolled in a Private School or Home School may have a disability and needs an evaluation, please call (615) 451-5414 to make a referral.


Pre-Kindergarten (3-5)

If you suspect your pre-kindergarten child may have a disability, click here for more information.


Birth to 3 years old

If you think your child between birth and 36 months (age 0 to 3 years) may have a disability and needs an evaluation, please call Tennessee's Early Intervention System (TEIS) at 1-800-852-7157 to make a referral. TEIS will help families locate services for infants and toddlers with disabilities before the child reaches school age.


Procedural Safeguards

Notice of Procedural Safeguards Individuals with Disabilities 

Education Act Division of Special Populations and Student Support

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the federal law concerning the education of students with disabilities, requires schools to provide parents of a child with a disability with a notice containing a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under the IDEA, U.S. Department of Education regulations, and Tennessee law and regulations. This procedural safeguards notice includes a full explanation of all of the procedural safeguards available under § 300.148 (unilateral placement at private school at public expense), §§ 300.151 through 300.153 (state complaint procedures), § 300.300 (consent), §§ 300.502 through 300.503, §§ 300.505 through 300.518, and §§ 300.530 through 300.536 (procedural safeguards in Subpart E of the Part B regulations), and §§ 300.610 through 300.625 (confidentiality of information provisions in Subpart F).



Aviso de garantías procesales para personas con discapacidades

Ley de Educación División de Poblaciones Especiales y Apoyo Estudiantil

La Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA), la ley federal sobre la educación de estudiantes con discapacidades, requiere que las escuelas proporcionen a los padres de un niño con una discapacidad un aviso que contenga una explicación completa de las garantías procesales disponibles bajo IDEA, Departamento de EE. UU. de los reglamentos de Educación y las leyes y reglamentos de Tennessee. Este aviso de garantías procesales incluye una explicación completa de todas las garantías procesales disponibles bajo § 300.148 (ubicación unilateral en una escuela privada a cargo del público), §§ 300.151 a 300.153 (procedimientos de quejas estatales), §§ 300.300 (consentimiento), §§ 300.502 a 300.503, §§ 300.505 a 300.518 y §§ 300.530 a 300.536 (garantías procesales en la Subparte E de las reglamentaciones de la Parte B), y §§ 300.610 a 300.625 (disposiciones sobre confidencialidad de la información en la Subparte F).

Aviso de garantías procesales - Español


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