Sumner County school's logo

Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools

School Support Organizations (SSO) are a valued resource and are much appreciated supporters of our students and schools. Volunteers with our School Support Organizations work hand in hand with our schools and are required to follow certain guidelines and policies as defined in the Tennessee Code Annotated 49-2-603 (School Support Organization Financial Accountability Act - S.S.O.F.A.A.) and Sumner County Board of Education Board Policy 2.404, titled: School Support Organizations.

School Support Organizations must be approved by the Principal of the school they are affiliated with and the Director of Schools or his designee. Each SSO must provide documentation annually that shows their financial activities, the volunteers in charge of the SSO, that the SSO is a registered non-profit in good standing and, if applicable, has been federally recognized and retains active status as a 501(c)(3) organization.

It is recommended that the SSO contact a CPA or attorney for guidance in organization formation and required annual State and Federal filings. At a minimum, the SSO should contact the State of Tennessee and the IRS for guidance on what annual paperwork is required.

Available on this page are the SSO required forms, the SSO operating manual (published by the TN Comptroller’s Office), frequently asked questions and other general information regarding the operations and activities of a School Support Organization.

All annual SSO paperwork is due after the fiscal year end of June 30th and no later than August 1st each year.   Please send all paperwork to:

Sumner County Board of Education
Attn:  Internal Audit Dept.
695 E. Main Street

Gallatin, TN 37066

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.