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Sumner County Schools

Health Services5 Service Director small
Health services are provided and/or supervised by school health nurses to appraise, protect, and promote the health of students. These services include assessment, planning, coordination of services and direct care for all children, including those with special health care needs. Health services are designed and coordinated with community health care professionals to ensure early intervention, access and referral to primary health care services; foster appropriate use of primary health care services; prevent and control communicable disease and other health problems; provide emergency care for student and staff illness or injury; provide daily and continuous services for children with special health care needs; promote and provide optimum sanitary conditions for a safe school facility and school environment; and provide educational and counseling opportunities for promoting and maintaining individual, family and community health. Qualified professionals such as school health nurses, physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, dentists, health educators, registered dietitians, school counselors, and allied health personnel including speech therapists and occupational or physical therapists provide these services.

Sumner County Schools School Nurse Program
- Sumner County Schools Special Education Department

One of the primary functions of Coordinated School Health (CSH) is to address health related barriers to learning for Sumner County students. As part of the state-mandated health screening process, CSH performs vision, hearing, blood pressure, and BMI screenings for all students in grades K, 2, 4, 6, 8, as well as high school wellness classes. This screening is not a diagnosis and should not be considered a medical examination. It is advised that the student receive regular wellness check-ups with his/her pediatrician as deemed necessary.

- Hearing Screenings
If a student fails a hearing screening, a 2nd screening is performed on the same day. If they fail the 2nd screening, they are tested by the school's Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP). If they fail the 3rd level screening, the SLP will contact the parents recommending that the student receive a more complete examination by a family doctor or ear specialist.  

- Vision Screenings
If a student fails a vision exam, a vision referral letter is mailed home to the parent recommending that the student receive a more complete examination by their family doctor or vision specialist. A list of local providers is included in the letter, as well as information for those who need assistance with the cost of an exam or corrective lenses. 

Sumner County Eye Doctors


(Other local providers may be available.)



Walmart Vision Centers                                 Harris, Michael, O.D.                                      Hendersonville Eye Care

The Eye Clinic Group                                      165 Indian Lake Blvd, Suite 108                    625 E Main St

Gallatin: (615) 452-2425                                 Hendersonville, TN 37075                             Hendersonville, TN 37075

Hendersonville: (615) 826-1611                    (615) 822-0186                                                         (615) 822-2020                                

White House: (615) 672-9296                                                                               


McCord, Logan, O.D.                                      America’s Best Contacts and Eyeglasses              Orgain Family Vision

Durocher, Richard O.D.                                    1785 Gallatin Pike N                                             131 Indian Lake Rd                                                                                

313 East Main St, Ste 4                                   Madison, TN 37116                                        Hendersonville, TN 37075

Hendersonville, TN 37075                              (629) 999-4400                                                (615) 824-5486

(615) 822-6157                                                                                                                       


Laws, Richard A., O.D.                                    Sumner Eye Care                                             Green Eye Center

600 Commons Dr                                             343 Hancock St                                                            854 Lone Oak Dr

Gallatin, TN 37066                                          Gallatin, TN 37066                                                       Gallatin, TN 37066

(615) 452-1201                                                (615) 452-2020                                                 (615) 452-1602



Gallatin Optical                                               Newsom, David, M.D.                                                 Eyecare Plus

137 W Broadway                                            394 W Main St, Ste B3                                                 386 E Main St Ste 104

Gallatin, TN 37066                                          Hendersonville, TN 37075                                           Hendersonville, TN 37075

(615) 452-2111                                                (615) 824-4073                                                               (615)-338-3602



Portland Vision Clinic                                     Stamper, Eric, O.D.                                        Kelly, Marie C., O.D.

605 South Broadway                                      Vision Source of Hendersonville                   Kelly Vision Center

P.O. Box 470                                                    100 Country Club Dr, Ste 106                        110 Glancy St, Ste 208

Portland, TN 37148                                         Hendersonville, TN  37075                            Goodlettsville, TN 37072

(615) 325-2020                                                (615) 824-4246                                               (615) 868-2877



Graves, Thomas L., O.D.                                Visionworks Eye Care Center                        Visionworks Eye Care Center

Sumner Eye Care                                            254 Indian Lake Blvd Ste 100                        1701 Gallatin Pike N

802 S Broadway                                             Hendersonville, TN 37075                             Madison, TN 37115

Portland, TN 37148                                        (615) 822-0446                                               (615) 868-2000

(615) 323-7331                                              



Dehaven, Hank, O.D.

Community Eye Care

122 Highway 76

White House, TN 37188

(615) 672-6896



- Blood Pressure Screenings
If a student's BP is beyond the 95th percentile for their age, they are sent to the school nurse for two rescreens. If the average of the BP results is still beyond the 95th percentile, the school nurse will contact the parent with a recommendation to see their health care provider. 

Blood pressure normally rises and falls throughout the day. But if it stays high for a long time, it can damage your heart and lead to health problems.

- BMI (Height and Weight) Screenings
Body Mass Index (BMI) is a person's weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. For children and teens, BMI is age- and sex-specific and is often referred to as BMI-for-age. According to the CDC, a high amount of body fat in children can lead to weight-related diseases and other health issues. Being underweight can also put one at risk for health issues. 

For children and teens, BMI is not a diagnostic tool and is used to screen for potential weight and health-related issues

Help Your Child Stay at a Healthy Weight

CDC Childhood Obesity Prevention

Healthy People 2030- Children

Student Health Report Card
Parents of students who participate in the Sumner County Schools Health Screenings have received a Student Health Report Card with the reults of that screening by mail.

Sample Student Health Report Card 2016-2017.png

Health Screening Training Videohealth screening video image

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.