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Sumner County Schools

Sumner County Schools
Bus Rules/Regulations
Adopted in 2012-2013

The following rules and regulations insure the safest, most enjoyable and efficient transportation for your children.

1. Students must be at bus stop on time. Students should be at the bus stop at least 5 minutes before bus arrives. Bus operates on a fixed schedule.

2. While waiting at the bus stop, students must wait on sidewalk, driveway, or as far off of traveled portion of the road as possible.

3. Students must wait in an orderly manner and wait until bus comes to complete stop before approaching the bus.

4. If it is necessary to cross street or roadway, students must wait until driver signals them to cross and cross the street or roadway 10-15 feet in front of the bus to ensure that the driver sees them.

5. Students must enter bus single file and be seated as quickly as possible.

6. Upon leaving bus; wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before standing to exit. Standing is not permitted on a moving bus.

7. Exit single file in an orderly manner and walk away from the bus.

8. Upon leaving bus, if student must cross roadway, walk approximately 10‑15 feet forward so the driver can see the student. Do not cross until driver signals you to do so.

9. The operator of any school bus shall be responsible for the order and conduct of the pupils transported.

10. The operator has the responsibility to assign seats and will be directed to do so as a matter of policy.

11. Pupils should obey promptly and willingly any reasonable directive of the driver.

12. Outside of ordinary conversation, classroom conduct is to be observed. Shouting, vulgar language or gestures are not permitted.

13. Pupils must remain seated with feet on the floor in front of them; not in the aisle or draped over the seat back. Students must sit facing forward while the bus is in motion as if they were wearing seatbelts.

14. Students may not board or depart from a bus at any other stop than that which has been properly authorized by  school authorities.

15. Pupils will not extend hands, arms, heads or objects from the bus windows at any time.

16. Pupils are not permitted to shout, or gesture to passing vehicles or pedestrians from the bus.

17. Students may adjust windows only when permitted to do so by the driver.

18. Pupils may not throw any object including trash or paper either from within or out of the bus while waiting for, riding, or after leaving the bus. Spitting is not permitted on the bus.

19. Riders must stay out of the driver's seat and may not tamper with any operating equipment.

20. Students may not exit from the emergency door unless directed to do so by the driver.

21. Eating and drinking food and beverages on the bus is prohibited. Neither food nor liquids are permitted on the bus except in school lunch bags or lunch pails.

22. The use of tobacco, drugs or alcohol in any form shall not be permitted on the bus.

23. Animals, knives, matches, firearms including cap and water pistols, explosives, glass and other similar breakables, or any other items creating a safety hazard are not permitted on the bus. Necessary school books and backpacks are permitted. Other items are not permitted.

24. Students needing to ride any bus other than their regular assigned bus must give driver a note from their principal using the proper form.  Bus drivers may not accept notes from parents.

25. Students desiring to take another student home with them who does not normally ride a particular bus must obtain prior permission from their principal to assure the bus is not overloaded.  Bus drivers may not accept notes from parents.

26. Teachers, especially sponsors of activity trips need to be aware of bus regulations.

27. Absolute quiet is required at railroad crossings. The driver will turn off all radios and illuminate the dome lights to alert students to be absolutely quiet. This is a requirement of the State of Tennessee, Pupil Transportation; and Sumner County Schools.

  1. The use of cell phones and/or recording devices is specifically prohibited on the bus.

Handbook - Sumner County Schools

 Bus Discipline Regulations

 Pupils transported in a school bus shall be under the authority of and responsible directly to the operator of the bus, unless otherwise assigned by proper authorities. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the operator shall be sufficient reason for refusing transportation to any pupil. The operator of any school bus shall be responsible for the order and conduct of the pupils transported.  Drivers are required to report misbehavior by students on the bus. When an incident report issued for inappropriate behaviors on the bus, the following procedure will be followed:

 School Bus Conduct

 Students who come to school on the bus should return home on the bus unless they have a note from their parent/guardian.  Riding the bus to school is a privilege.  Improper conduct on the bus will result in suspension from riding the bus.  All students on the bus are under the authority of the bus driver and must obey his/her rules.  The drivers will report any misconduct to the principal immediately.  Students are to maintain proper conduct while waiting for the bus.  Bus riders should pay close attention to the announcements in the afternoons for bus numbers and possible changes.  It is their responsibility to listen and go directly to the bus when their bus is called in the afternoon.  If a student should miss a bus in the afternoon, he/she should have someone they can contact to come and get them at school.

 Students may only bring items on the bus that can be held in their lap.  No item may block the aisle of the bus.  No live animals, balloons or glass containers will be allowed on the bus.  The driver will have control as to what will be allowed to be brought on the bus for the safety of all the students.

School Bus Conduct Policy

The school bus is an extension of school activity; therefore, the Board expects students to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior.

Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on the bus and all reasonable directions given by the driver shall be followed.

The principal of the student transported shall be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary.  A student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if determined by the principal that their behavior is such as to cause disruption on the bus, or when they disobey state or local rules and regulations pertaining to student transportation.  Parents/students must provide transportation to and from school should they be denied transportation because of suspension.

Any student who gets off the bus at any point between pick‑up point and school must present the bus driver with a note of authorization from the parent or the principal of the school that they attend.

Any student wishing to ride a bus other than their designated bus must have written parental permission and approved by the principal or their designee.

Incident Reports

The bus driver will discuss the incident with the student(s).  All students involved may be included in the discussion. The driver will send the incident report to the office. The bus driver and student(s) may come into the office and discuss the ticket with the administrator or designated person. The student will contact their parent/guardian to discuss the bus incident report and behaviors that occurred. The administrator will discuss the bus incident report issue with parent/guardian by phone, in person, or in writing. The incident report is to be signed by the parent/guardian and returned to the school the following school day if deemed necessary by a school administrator. Below are the consequences for receiving a bus incident report. The school administrator will determine the appropriate consequence per bus incident report.

  1. Verbal/Written Warning
  2. Write bus rules
  3. Suspension from bus

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