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Sumner County Schools

Federal and State grant P-Card Purchases

Marijo Monette – - $2,040.38 July 2013,August 2013

The bulk of Mrs. Monette’s purchases are supplies for our Unity.Com program. Included are also travel expenses for two conferences that Mrs. Monette is required to attend in order to administer the 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant. This grant brings $408,000 into our district for our program. is an after-school academic enrichment program funded by grants from the U.S. Department of Education and the Tennessee Department of Education. The goal of the program is to strengthen students’ attachment to school, improve their academic performance, and successfully engage students and families in school-based cultural, technological, recreational and academic activities in a safe learning environment. Unity.Com is currently in operation in four elementary schools, eight middle schools, and three high schools. It is funded by two grants from the Tennessee Department of Education - the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Grant and LEAPS Grant. All purchases made with state and federal grant funds are subjected to additional auditing requirements from the state and federal government.

Marijo Monette – - $2,449.10 July 2013,August 2013

These purchases represent school supplies that were purchased for our backpack program from money donated for that purpose. Mrs. Monette’s office provides school supplies to underprivileged students in our school district. Sumner County Schools receives anonymous donations from private donors to provide for the needs of homeless and needy students. These funds are specifically donated to be used for that purpose and are separately accounted for within our budget.

Keith Parrack – EL Coordinator - $958.30

These purchases are classroom supplies for our district’s English Learner’s (EL) program. These purchases are funded by federal Title III funds. Title III is the portion of the No Child Left Behind federal funds that serves English as a Second Language Students. Through Title III, students who have a primary language other than English receive instruction in English in a specialized setting. Additionally, Title III federal funds are used in helping these students meet the same challenging state standards required of all students. All purchases made with state and federal grant funds are subjected to additional auditing requirements from the state and federal government.

Holly Adkins – Pupil Services Department Bookkeeper - $2,971.74

These purchases are made using federal IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) funding. Under the law, this funding is to be used only on students eligible for special education services. All purchases represented in this statement meet federal purchasing requirements. All purchases made with state and federal grant funds are subjected to additional auditing requirements from the state and federal government.

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