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Under the Tennessee State Board of Education's Unsafe School Choice Policy, any public school student who is the victim of a violent crime as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 40-38-111(g), or the attempt to commit one of these offenses as defined under Tennessee Code Annotated 39-12-101, shall be provided an opportunity to transfer to another grade-level appropriate school within the district.
Additional information regarding this option may be obtained by contacting
Sumner County School Student Record Request:
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education.
FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of eighteen or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students."
Requesting your student records:
- Sumner County School Student Record Request
- Identification verifications are required prior to accepting all requests to comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
- FERPA requires that educational agencies and institutions comply with a request by a parent or eligible student for access to education records within a reasonable period, but not more than 45 days after receipt of a request.
Requesting your special education records:
- Special education records and IEPs are processed by our Pupil Services Department
- Pupil Services, Records Requests
Diploma Replacement
Diploma requests are processed by the Tennessee Department of Education.
High School Equivalency Record
High school equivalency records are processed by Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development.
If you would like to apply for free or reduced meals, please visit the link: FREE AND REDUCED MEAL APPLICATION
Through the LINQ Connect Family Portal, parents can set balance reminders and low balance alerts, monitor transactions, submit Free/Reduced online applications, and safely process one-time or automatic payments via Visa, MasterCard, or Discover for a small processing fee.
Users will need to set up a new account, information cannot be transferred from the previous system. Account balances from the previous provider are stored at Nutrition Services and will transfer upon individual family portal set up.
LINQ Connect Family Portal Flyer (pdf)
The Sumner County School Nutrition Program (SNP) is changing to prepare for education in the 21st Century. The program is beginning to incorporate nutrition education in its operation to help in developing total body wellness among all students. In education we invest in children’s health to share the universal vision in Tennessee hoping that students become higher achievers, healthier, and more physically fit. Good nutrition is vitally important in our program.
Poor health is lifestyle-related. To change a behavior, the change must be practiced for a minimum of 21 days, and it must have 50 hours per year for three years of planned, sequential activity.
The State mandated Lifetime Wellness curriculum includes nutrition as one of the seven required strands. Topics that are included are the food guide pyramid, new food labeling laws, and more education in teaching the dietary guidelines.
In our program we want to make available to you nutrition education in the classroom. The school nutrition managers can plan their time to help you with teaching units on nutrition to your students. They would be happy to make themselves available to you when time permits to aid in applying nutrition education in the classroom. Please do not hesitate to contact the School Nutrition Supervisor, Dawn Botensten, at 451-5217, if we can assist in any manner.
The School Nutrition Association and the School Nutrition Directors across the nation are working diligently to ensure funding is allocated in the federal budget for nutrition education.
It has been proven through research that there is a correlation between the achievement levels of students and good nutrition. It is important that School Nutrition is an entity with the total educational process. Good nutrition is an integral part that contributes to the successes of the educational system.
New Student Registration is Now Open
You are REQUIRED to attend one of the registration nights to complete the in-person registration. Completing the online registration ahead of time will save you significant time on registration nights. Please check your school's website, social media, or email to confirm which day you need to attend.
STEP ONE: Visit this link SKYWARD ENROLLMENT to enroll your student online. If someone you know does not have internet access, computers will be available at the schools during registration nights.
STEP TWO: Bring all necessary documentation to your school on registration nights to complete the 2024-2025 school enrollment. For a list of required documents, please click REGISTRATION DOCUMENTS. In addition, you also need to fill out the student residency questionnaire and student health form. Please note, you will need to provide proof of residency, a birth certificate, and other documents before enrolling your child. (NOT accepted as proof of residency: cell phone bill, bank/credit card statement, or handwritten agreements). For spanish: student residency questionnaire, student health form.
Pre-K registration information is located towards the bottom of the page.
Steps to Enrolling Your Child in Sumner County Schools
Step 1
Determine the Child's Eligibility: All children age 5 by August 15 and living within Sumner County are eligible for enrollment. The Tennessee Compulsory Attendance Law (TCA 49-6-3001), requires all children between the ages of 6 and 18 to attend school and be on time to school and classes. Each child seeking to enroll in the school system must be a resident of Sumner County.
Step 2
Identify and Contact the School: Registration takes place at each individual school. Parents are asked to contact the school office to make an appointment for registration. School staff can provide a Spanish speaking interpreter for you if you ask in advance. If you are unsure about which school your child should attend, please call the Sumner County Board of Education at 451-5200 and tell them your address. Attendance Zone maps are also available at: Zone Maps.
Step 3
Gather the necessary documents the school will request:
Students who do not speak English as their first language will be enrolled immediately even if they do not have one or more of these documents.
Students who are identified as homeless will be enrolled immediately even if they do not have one or more of these documents.
Transfer/Moving out of town/state: When a child changes schools during the school year, a parent/guardian should visit the school office to complete a withdrawal form before enrolling the child in a new school.
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