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Sumner County Schools

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SCS Educators Earn Recognition for Exemplary Health Leadership

Congratulations to Benny Bills Elementary School Counselors, Emily Anderson and Charlsea Brantley. They are the recipients of the Educator Award given by the Sumner County Health Committee. For five years, they have been using Calming Kits at BBE to help teach students how to self-regulate their emotions. Both counselors were also instrumental in helping the Mental Health Sub-Committee implement their project to make sure every elementary school classroom has a calming kit by August 2024. Ms. Anderson and Ms. Brantley's dedication to their school and students is seen everyday by the teachers at the school. BBE Teacher, Mrs. Bennett said, "Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Brantley have led the way in putting students' mental health in the forefront. They work tirelessly to be innovative for our students' well-being. We are so thankful for all they do for our students, our teachers, our school, and our county."

The Lifetime Achievement Award was presented to Sumner County Schools Unity Middle School Coordinator, Marijo Monette, because of her diligent dedication for the Unity After School program. Ms. Monette wrote and won a grant that funded three schools for the 2000 – 2001 school year. That grant has now grown to fifteen programs across Sumner County, and serves over 1,200 students each year. In addition to the Unity grant, Ms. Monette wrote the McKinney Vento grant, which serves homeless students and families helping meet basic needs and assisting with food and clothing. Ms. Monette has supported physical and mental health, healthy eating, and has helped countless students be successful in their academics, and taught countless life skills. She leads by example and continues to do everything she can to continue to make this world a better place. #SumnerAchieves #SumnerCountyStrong

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