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Sumner County Schools

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TN Education Commissioner Visits Burrus Elementary

Tennessee Education Commissioner, Penny Schwinn, stopped by Dr. William Burrus Elementary Friday, April 1st to see teachers in action. Commissioner Schwinn observed students using their critical thinking skills to build a lighthouse in STEM lab, watched mythology presentations in Mrs. Ashley Jackson's English / Language Arts class and helped students understand fractions in Mrs. Jessie Crawford's 2nd grade classroom.

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Commissioner Schwinn was welcomed by the schools Leadership Team as well as Director of Schools, Dr. Del Phillips; Chief Academic Officer Scott Langford; State Representative William Lamberth; School Board Members Alice Bachman, Sarah Andrews, and Tim Brewer; Sumner County Commissioners Leslie Schell, Brian Stewart, and Shellie Tucker.

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Sumner County Schools has 13 Reward Schools and leads the state with seven STEM accredited schools. Strong schools are a reflection of our administrators, teachers, staff, community partners and elected officials. We appreciate you all!

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