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Sumner County Schools

Police Bus Drivers

7 Police Officers Trade Badge for School Bus Keys

For some SCS employees, service is a lifetime commitment. Seven retired police officers have continued their oath to serve Sumner County children.

“I’m not the type of person that can sit behind a desk and be happy,” retired police officer Tracy Murphy said. “When you're a police officer, every day is different, and you never know what’s going to happen.”

After 25 years as a police officer, Murphy made the move from California to Tennessee after another co-worker moved to the area. Murphy and her husband came for a visit and fell in love with the area and the people. She says she chose to be a bus driver for the benefits and the time off.

“I enjoy it. You have all your weekends, holidays, and the summer off. My daughter lives in Virginia and coaches figure skating, so I’m able to visit and watch her competitions.”

Former Franklin Police Department Detective, Becky Porter, is used to working murders, rapes, and child abuse cases. After retirement, she wanted something else that would give her flexibility with her schedule and the insurance that Sumner County Schools provides. She has been driving a special needs bus for the past 4 years.

“I retired in July, my first grand baby was born in September, so I get to be a grandma and do all the things with my grand babies that I wouldn’t have gotten to do, if I stayed as a detective."

Both Murphy and Porter encourage others to give the SCS Transportation Department a chance.

“Give it a try. If you can handle kids on different levels, it’s not really that hard in the overall scheme,” Murphy said.

Bus drivers we spoke with say it's a great job for retirees or stay at home parents that want to work the same hours as their children's school schedule. If you're interested in becoming a bus driver, give us a call at 615-452-1520. We are hiring full and part-time positions. Full-time positions receive medical and dental insurance plans.

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