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SCS Announces our National Merit Finalists

Sumner County Schools is excited to announce our National Merit Finalists! The nationwide pool of finalists represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors and includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.

SCS congratulates the following National Merit finalists:

Gallatin High School:

  • Jacob Allen

GHS Jacob Allen


Hendersonville High School:

  • Liliana Daniel
  • Steven Lamarr
  • Anna White

HHS Liliana Daniel

HHS Steven Lamarr

HHS Anna White


Merrol Hyde Magnet School:

  • Nicholas Brown
  • Alyssa Maddern
  • Josiah Vinson
  • Ava Wei

MHM Josiah Vinson, Nicholas Brown, Ava Wei, Alyssa Maddern


More than 1.3 million students entered the National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT, NMSQT), which serves as an initial screen of program entrants. To become a finalist, these students and a high school official submitted a detailed scholarship application, in which they provided information about their academic record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership abilities, employment, and honors and awards received. As finalists, students are eligible to compete for Merit Scholarships, which will be awarded from March through June.

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