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Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools


Sumner County Schools is dedicated to preparing our children for their next step in life.

Sumner Ready is a groundbreaking community-based initiative designed to guide students seamlessly through their academic journey from Kindergarten to senior year.

In a rapidly evolving world marked by iPhones, wearable technology and artificial intelligence, Sumner Ready focuses on equipping students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the 21st century. By providing a comprehensive roadmap for academic and personal growth, this program ensures that each student is well-prepared to navigate the challenges of an increasingly digital and interconnected society.

On Wednesday, SCS invited community leaders including local business owners, corporate CEO's, church pastors and school booster club and PTO members to answer this question: "If a student enters the SCS system as a Kindergartener, what skills should they possess when they graduate?"

The goal of this meeting was to begin a community conversation about how to best prepare students life beyond the classroom.

Kindergarteners starting school in August will graduate as the class of 2037. They enter the classroom never knowing a world without iPhones, wearable technology, drones and artificial intelligence. They will graduate and seek out careers that don’t even exist yet.

When SCS students walk across the stage at the end of their high school career, they are not just receiving a diploma, but they are stepping into a world of possibilities. Sumner County Schools challenge remains: How do we prepare our students for the next steps? The purpose of Sumner Ready is to answer this challenge with a community-based approach to ensure that SCS is making the most of our time with our children in our classrooms.

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.