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Sumner County school's logo
Sumner County Schools

Peanut allery possibilityDear Parents,

We want to alert you to the fact that we have students in our schools that have food allergies including peanut/nut allergy. Exposure to peanuts/nuts may cause a severe allergic reaction that may require emergency treatment. We are asking for your help to provide a safe school environment and reduce the chance of allergic reactions. Please talk with your student about not sharing snacks or lunches brought from home.  If your child's classroom has a student with a severe peanut/nut allergy, please be considerate and diligent to avoid peanuts/nuts when sending room snacks and whole-class, party foods.

We appreciate your cooperation and support in keeping our schools safe.

Thank you,

Sumner County School Nurses

The Sumner Connect site is the technology information and training hub to support Sumner County educators, students, and parents.